Friday, March 18, 2011

TimePieces Introduces the Life Journey Jewelry Collection!

Life is a journey, not a destination.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ms. Barbara A. Sam is introducing the Life Journey Jewelry Collection. Each bracelet and earrings set represents a journey in our life. Each day we live a life journey. Some journeys bring happiness, other brings tears. Through those journeys, we become a more passionate and stronger person. This jewelry collection is our reminder of those important life journeys. Each piece is designed for Timepieces by Moonstruck Designs. The journeys in this collection are Friendship, Dream, Hopeful and Be Strong.

"A good friend is a connection to life -  a tie to the past, a road to the future,
the key to sanity in a totally insane world." ~Lois Wyse

The above quote is so true...well, not the... “totally insane world. TimePieces wishes to introduce the Life Journey’s Friendship bracelet and earrings. A good friend helps keep you grounded. A good friend listens to you. A good friend cares about how you feel. And everything else in between.

The Life Journey Friendship bracelet is a very inspiring gift for your best friend. Beautifully created, this bracelet is made from fresh water pearls, a butterfly charm and Moonstruck Designs signature charm.

Also, the Friendship collection has complementary earrings.

You are able to purchase the bracelet and earrings as a set.

Visit online, stop at TimePieces or call for more information. Next week we will introduce the inspiring Life Journey Dream Collection. Until then, enjoy!

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the
charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~Marcel Proust

Friday, March 4, 2011

Free Fabulous Favor from TimePieces Gifts

We are promoting our Kate Aspen Bridal & Baby Favors with the following special. This is a fabulous gesture for business owners to give their customers as a thank you gift. Or just a small gift for lunch or dinner dates with friends, family dinners or small last minute thank you gestures. Read below for your free sample.

You may choose from one of the three favors for your FREE sample, this includes FREE shipping. Please click this link to browse among the three favors, and click on your free favor. (One free favor per person) Delivery will be 7 to 14 days. Have fun choosing and you will see why Kate Aspen Favors is perfect for your shower, reception or any life event. (Limited quantity and shipping only in Western New York).

Please visit to enjoy your browsing experience. You will receive an online discount of 10% when placing an order (also by phone or in the shop), just enter the code “TPBP” and with any purchases over $200.00 you will received a Free Personalized Gift.

Please call if you have any questions or just want to talk. Our goal is for you to live & present your event beautifully and spiritually. Thank you and Enjoy!